
Notes for the future

(Old apartment setup (~2017). We were in the habit of hanging works in progress throughout the house to make sure we worked on them more.)

I lightly referenced this in a post last year but to create a better outlined post, these are a small handful of the blog focal points that I want to be working on and posting about once we’ve moved. I’m still wrapping my head around the fact we’ll be across the country in about 10 days.

(Many of these lists will grow, this is just off the top of my head)

Art/Craft Resource Lists and DIY Tutorials

  • Paper making (both from recycled papers and how to prepare and use natural fibers)

  • Making your own pigments for inks, watercolor, gouache (and for dying clothes)

  • Creating your own dip pens and brushes

  • Clothing Patterns and ideas for sewing (along with other resources for stitching and embroidery)

  • Weaving with natural and recycled fibers

  • DIY clays for sculpting/etc.

Self Sustainability, Ethical Land Stewardship, and Community Building Resources

  • Create navigation posts for resource lists and links

  • Book Reviews/Suggestions

  • Posts w/ focus on native/indigenous plants and other beneficial flora/fauna

  • Seed (and food) sharing and swaps for edible plants and herbs

Local and Online Community Resources

  • A long overdue general Links Out/Resource page

  • Local Indigenous and BIPOC Businesses, Groups, and Resources

  • Local Queer Businesses, Groups, and Resources

  • General Local Small Business Spotlights

  • Spotlights on local community events


  • Book Reviews, Discussion, and Suggestions about animal behavior and mutually beneficial ecosystems

  • Book Reviews and discussion about mindfulness practices, neuroplasticity, healing from trauma, meditation and trance, somatic work, and general (healthy) behavioral work/modification

Personal Journals/Projects

  • Food Posts (and sometimes recipes)

  • Hike Posts (W/ Pictures of Flora & Fauna)

  • Art/Craft Projects and Plans

  • Blueprints for long-term goals

  • Possible blog for fiction (18+?)

Getting back to making art daily.

(livestream abstract warmup)

I’ve been thinking about ways to both motivate myself and push my creativity lately. In the past when I’ve committed to doing a sketch daily, I’ve varied in what my expectations were. What I’ve learned at this point is that outside of the parameter of creating something, I do best when I treat everything else as suggestions that are available to help me if I want them.

The idea I’m working with currently is when I want to, I can have different focal points throughout the week to keep myself practiced in different ways.

Suggested ideas so far are:

  • draw an animal (try something you haven’t done before!)

  • draw something you see in front of you

  • draw a portrait from photo reference (or of someone in front of you)

  • make something colorful

  • make something abstract

  • draw a background/landscape/scenery

  • draw flowers from reference

  • make a page of thumbnails for brainstorming bigger drawings/paintings

  • draw from your head (the default)

I’ve been setting up a couple secondary blogs and will be adding them to my navigation bar up top as I start using them (one will be for sketches and works in progress and the other will be a personal trance and meditation journal).

I’m not actually sure when I’ll start rolling with creating art every day (life will be chaotic the next handful of weeks as we pack and prepare to move) but I’m going to do what I can as I’m able for now.

I also have to think about the overlap between posting sketches and work here and on my patreon but that will sort itself out in time.

Thoughts. Lots of things.

April 2024 Update

Hello folks. Just making a few life update notes here because life has been chaotic!

  • I had my first unexpected local photography client a couple months ago! I haven’t advertised here (and hadn’t planned to) but it went so well that I just recently finished piecing together some ads/flyers to distribute here.

  • We found out this past week that we have until October to move from the house we’ve been staying (they are going to be housing someone else here). We’re still sorting things out and possibly have a place to stay (and may be leaving before October) but I will share more details when I know for sure!

  • To save money for moving expenses, I’ve been considering taking a brief NY trip (and staying with friends/family) if I can book a handful of clients in the area over the span of about a week in late May/early June. If you live in NY (or a nearby area to it) and have interest, feel free to check out my photo service pages here and/or send me an email ( )

  • I’ve been slowly piecing together updates to post here and would love to get rolling on more blogs as I’m capable. I’ve recently also started a twitch channel where I’ve mostly been streaming warmup abstract doodles and loose sketches.

    I may update our old gofundme (I hadn’t come on since we had to sell the bus) but until then, if any folks would like to help with moving expenses (without commissioning/hiring me) you can gift via venmo (username @encryptedritual) or message for other ways/methods of helping out!

    Regardless, I hope life is treating everyone well and I look forward to this next chapter of our journey!

“The Dust – Oh, The Dust…”

Hey there, all you lovely folks.


After months of attempting to tinker with, fix, and re-install the wordpress website that I’d been working on the past few years – I’ve decided that for the time being it’s easier and more efficient to transplant myself back on Squarespace.


At this point, most of the site is operating and functional but you can expect to see a few more sections appear over the upcoming weeks such as:


  • About Le Rouge Sublet (LRS) & Tangled Vines (TVs) – This section will briefly talk about the internal spaces, beings, and stories that interweave between my partner and I. Because our universes overlap and it is reflected in much of the art, writing, and beyond that is being shared here – I felt that the additional insight is important.   

  • Resources – I intend for the resource section to be something that continues to expand as time goes on. From links to tutorials for art and miscellaneous crafts, links and recommendations for books/videos/etc on self-help and healing, community resources, links for activism and supporting marginalized causes, and more. Long term, I would love for this to be a collaborative effort. 

  • How To Help – For those of you who don’t know, my partner and I lost our home in 2020 early on during covid and have since been living with friends in VA while we get back on our feet. We had started rebuilding a bus as a living space but were not able to complete the project (which was another physical, emotional, and financial blow). This section will have ways that folks can help monetarily or otherwise both for our current situation but also for our long-term goals of building a wildlife sanctuary and safe space for queer and marginalized people.

  • Links Out – Links to projects worked on by friends, colleagues, and other like-minded people.

  • WIP Blog – A blog that will serve as both a “sketchbook” and drafting book – where I post doodles and sketches, map out plans for larger projects, and post written or drawn drafts.


In the future, I will be using this main blog to post a variety of content such as but not limited to:


  • Photo journaling and talking about experiences

  • Reviewing books, art/crafting supplies, etc.

  • Articles about human and/or animal behavior, consciousness, queerness, activism and ending oppression, gardening and self-sustained living, really whatever I am compelled to focus on at that time.

  • Sharing “recipes” (I say, in quotations, because I generally improvise amounts and ingredients every time I cook…haha) and pictures of food that I’ve made or been served

  • Personal Writing and Poetry


I look forward to talking more on here and becoming a bit more engaging on social media as well. It’s nice to be back and I hope you enjoy your time here.


Be good to yourselves and each other.


Until next time,