life update

Notes for the future

(Old apartment setup (~2017). We were in the habit of hanging works in progress throughout the house to make sure we worked on them more.)

I lightly referenced this in a post last year but to create a better outlined post, these are a small handful of the blog focal points that I want to be working on and posting about once we’ve moved. I’m still wrapping my head around the fact we’ll be across the country in about 10 days.

(Many of these lists will grow, this is just off the top of my head)

Art/Craft Resource Lists and DIY Tutorials

  • Paper making (both from recycled papers and how to prepare and use natural fibers)

  • Making your own pigments for inks, watercolor, gouache (and for dying clothes)

  • Creating your own dip pens and brushes

  • Clothing Patterns and ideas for sewing (along with other resources for stitching and embroidery)

  • Weaving with natural and recycled fibers

  • DIY clays for sculpting/etc.

Self Sustainability, Ethical Land Stewardship, and Community Building Resources

  • Create navigation posts for resource lists and links

  • Book Reviews/Suggestions

  • Posts w/ focus on native/indigenous plants and other beneficial flora/fauna

  • Seed (and food) sharing and swaps for edible plants and herbs

Local and Online Community Resources

  • A long overdue general Links Out/Resource page

  • Local Indigenous and BIPOC Businesses, Groups, and Resources

  • Local Queer Businesses, Groups, and Resources

  • General Local Small Business Spotlights

  • Spotlights on local community events


  • Book Reviews, Discussion, and Suggestions about animal behavior and mutually beneficial ecosystems

  • Book Reviews and discussion about mindfulness practices, neuroplasticity, healing from trauma, meditation and trance, somatic work, and general (healthy) behavioral work/modification

Personal Journals/Projects

  • Food Posts (and sometimes recipes)

  • Hike Posts (W/ Pictures of Flora & Fauna)

  • Art/Craft Projects and Plans

  • Blueprints for long-term goals

  • Possible blog for fiction (18+?)

April 2024 Update

Hello folks. Just making a few life update notes here because life has been chaotic!

  • I had my first unexpected local photography client a couple months ago! I haven’t advertised here (and hadn’t planned to) but it went so well that I just recently finished piecing together some ads/flyers to distribute here.

  • We found out this past week that we have until October to move from the house we’ve been staying (they are going to be housing someone else here). We’re still sorting things out and possibly have a place to stay (and may be leaving before October) but I will share more details when I know for sure!

  • To save money for moving expenses, I’ve been considering taking a brief NY trip (and staying with friends/family) if I can book a handful of clients in the area over the span of about a week in late May/early June. If you live in NY (or a nearby area to it) and have interest, feel free to check out my photo service pages here and/or send me an email ( )

  • I’ve been slowly piecing together updates to post here and would love to get rolling on more blogs as I’m capable. I’ve recently also started a twitch channel where I’ve mostly been streaming warmup abstract doodles and loose sketches.

    I may update our old gofundme (I hadn’t come on since we had to sell the bus) but until then, if any folks would like to help with moving expenses (without commissioning/hiring me) you can gift via venmo (username @encryptedritual) or message for other ways/methods of helping out!

    Regardless, I hope life is treating everyone well and I look forward to this next chapter of our journey!

July 2022 - Brief Life Review Notes

July had a few expected and unexpected twists and turns.

  • I got my first speeding ticket (unfortunately because I didn’t notice the signs change - I generally drive like a turtle, haha) right before the month started. I spent a portion of the month trying to figure out how to pay the ticket but had it taken care of before August hit.

  • I’ve been working on finding a middle ground between the anxiety/stress of living in VA again (and living in a space that is not my own/most of my stuff still being in storage) and attempting to be at peace with the entire situation until I am able to move on. We are blessed to have the friends we do that have provided us shelter. Still, I’m tired but I’ve been actively pushing myself to meditate and be as mindful as I’m capable every day (both toward myself and toward other people).

  • Muddy and I had our anniversa-week (that we extended to be most of the month). We’ve been together since 2008 and that’s still kind of mind boggling and filled with a lot of layers.

  • I applied for a job a little more than a week into July and started working about midway through. I liked the work but it’s too hard on my knees and it requires a faster pace than I’m capable of so my last day is this upcoming Friday (This will be the shortest amount of time I’ve ever stayed at a job before but I need to listen to my body). I’m actively looking for other work to hold me over until I either build a client base here or am able to start pulling income in online.

  • I dedicated a big chunk of the month to taking self portraits, which is something I rarely ever do and I really like a handful of them. I’ve decided I’m going to look through and pick out my favorite 30 and post them as an entry on here in the upcoming weeks. I’ve also been trickling a handful onto the online “cane-yo” group, a telegram/instagram/etc community where artists post references for one another to use.

  • I tried a “brownie in a mug” recipe that Muddy and I have been having at least once a week. Still trying to tweak that to perfection and when I do, I’ll share the updated version here.

  • Speaking of recipes, I made my first attempt at writing out an approximate recipe for a friend that I’ll likely share here for coconut curry tofu. :) I need to start making food posts in general.

  • I’ve not been making much art aside from taking the self portraits and some pencil sketches but my parents reached out a couple weeks ago and asked me to paint a portrait of their recently passed pup, Buttons. The supplies just came in the mail so I’ll be slowly starting to work on that (which I’m sure I’ll update here as well)

Looking forward to prepping more posts and putting them up here. Also planning to work on posting videos again on yt, even if it’s only a couple a week. Slowly following through but still following through so that’s what matters to me at the end of the day.

This morning’s breakfast smoothie was a mix of wild (boreal) blueberries, pineapple, strawberries, and coconut shreds with soy protein. I topped it with coconut cashew granola and coconut whipped cream. A delightful way to start the day. :)