(Old apartment setup (~2017). We were in the habit of hanging works in progress throughout the house to make sure we worked on them more.)
I lightly referenced this in a post last year but to create a better outlined post, these are a small handful of the blog focal points that I want to be working on and posting about once we’ve moved. I’m still wrapping my head around the fact we’ll be across the country in about 10 days.
(Many of these lists will grow, this is just off the top of my head)
Art/Craft Resource Lists and DIY Tutorials
Paper making (both from recycled papers and how to prepare and use natural fibers)
Making your own pigments for inks, watercolor, gouache (and for dying clothes)
Creating your own dip pens and brushes
Clothing Patterns and ideas for sewing (along with other resources for stitching and embroidery)
Weaving with natural and recycled fibers
DIY clays for sculpting/etc.
Self Sustainability, Ethical Land Stewardship, and Community Building Resources
Create navigation posts for resource lists and links
Book Reviews/Suggestions
Posts w/ focus on native/indigenous plants and other beneficial flora/fauna
Seed (and food) sharing and swaps for edible plants and herbs
Local and Online Community Resources
A long overdue general Links Out/Resource page
Local Indigenous and BIPOC Businesses, Groups, and Resources
Local Queer Businesses, Groups, and Resources
General Local Small Business Spotlights
Spotlights on local community events
Book Reviews, Discussion, and Suggestions about animal behavior and mutually beneficial ecosystems
Book Reviews and discussion about mindfulness practices, neuroplasticity, healing from trauma, meditation and trance, somatic work, and general (healthy) behavioral work/modification
Personal Journals/Projects
Food Posts (and sometimes recipes)
Hike Posts (W/ Pictures of Flora & Fauna)
Art/Craft Projects and Plans
Blueprints for long-term goals
Possible blog for fiction (18+?)