Where was I again?

I’ve been working through a handful of both internal and external struggles lately. I recognize that I’ve not been posting or interacting much of anywhere, partly because to some degree I felt that if I had nothing polished/fleshed out to share that it wasn’t worth posting…honestly that’s a viewpoint that is very unlike me (what has been more like me is to share things, take them down, improve them, share again, and repeat - and honestly, I need to work on that as well).

So, my intentions are to start using this blog here more often, even if I’m sharing drafts and ideas as I develop them.

I will also be working to censor myself less, a habit that I’ve come to recognize comes from my upbringing and has caused varying levels of over-inhibiting many behaviors throughout my life. Expect that I may talk or show more openly things of an adult nature here or that might not be suitable for some folks.

I want to be as genuine and authentic both for myself and in my interactions with others. I am working to heal and hope in time to help others do the same.

For now, this is just some notes I made today about updates I’d like to work on here and elswhere. Small steps.

Hope all you lovely people are well.